Mega Power Star Ram Charan's 'yevadu' has been made with a budget of Rs.40+ crores. Buyers from different areas approached the makers with record offers. However, Dil Raju in association with Geetha Film Distributors has released the movie on his own in almost all the areas of AP. That is why he is likely to earn double profits through the movie. As of now, the movie collected a theatrical share of Rs.46 crores. The closing share maybe around Rs.48 crores.
* In Nizam area, the movie has got the offers worth more than Rs.11 crores. The movie is collecting a record share of Rs.12.50 crores in this area.
* In Ceded, the movie collected a share of Rs.7.65 crores so far. The movie's pre release business worth in this area is Rs.7+ crores.
* In Nellore, the movie was sold out to Rs.1.95 crores. The movie is likely to end up between Rs. 2.05 crores to Rs.2.10 cr. in this area.
* In Vizag, the movie is likely to collect nearly Rs.5 crores. The pre release business worth of this area is Rs.4+ crores.
* In Guntur, Krishna, East and West also the movie collected good shares such as, Rs.3.50 cr., Rs.2.30 cr., Rs.3.25 cr., and Rs.2.62 cr.
* In Karnataka, 'yevadu' is likely to stand all time second best in collections after 'Magadheera'. The movie collected Rs.5.05 crores in just two weeks in this area.
* However, the movie incurred the losses in Overseas area, The movie's total loss in this area is around Rs.2 crores.
* Apart from the theatrical shares, the producer is likely to get Rs.10+ crores in the form of satellite rights, audio rights, ringtone rights, Hindi dubbing rights and other rights.
* On a whole, 'yevadu' is going to do a total business of Rs.60+ crores, which include all rights and the makers are likely to earn very good profits through this movie.
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