Soon after Kajal's pictures with her alleged Boyfriend has gone viral on the web, Reports of the actress following her sister Nisha's path (marrying a businessman) began doing rounds. Rumour mills have reported that Kajal is dating a Mumbai-based Businessman who is the CEO of an interior designing company and they are planing to tie the nuptial not. Nisha Agarwal condemned the reports of her sister's link-up. Clarifying that the man posing with Kajal is just a friend, She accused social media of blowing things out of proportion. "Sorry to burst your bubble. Kajal will be the first person to come out and announce if she is indeed dating someone," she told. A section of media has reported Kajal has been secretly meeting her boyfriend outside India to keep her affair under the cover and the love birds also got the permission from their parents to continue their dating life. In response, Nisha commented don't make a mountain of this molehill. Why did Kajal sent her sister to clarify abut her alleged live-in relationship? Is there a strategy?
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