Puri Jagannadh met NTR yesterday and narrated a story line to the actor. NTR seemed to have liked it very much and asked Puri to start working on the full script. Puri will now fly to Bangkok and prepare the script and dialogue version of the film. NTR has Sukumar's film after Rabhasa. And Puri will direct Mahesh Babu after Aagadu. So, this project may go on sets after those two projects. There is a talk that NTR wants to do this film before Sukumar movie in such case Puri should wrap it up before Aagadu. NTR and Puri Jagannadh earlier teamed up for Andhrawala several years ago. There were huge expectations on the movie as it came after a blockbuster,Simhadri. But the film was an utter flop. Since then Puri Jagannadh and NTR combination project was in offing for several times but it never finalized. Puri is eager to make amends for NTR this time.Both of them are not in best of their forms, hence the movie will be crucial for both of them.
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