The latest 'hot talk' doing rounds in Tollywood is that Samantha was the first choice for Mani Ratnam's upcoming movie but was later replaced with Shruti Haasan. The reason behind Samantha not bagging this offer is Mahesh Babu, say trade sources. According to the buzz Mahesh Babu purposefully asked Mani Ratnam to not cast Samantha in his upcoming film. Well, it is a known fact that Samantha's controversial comment about Mahesh Babu's Nenokkadine poster has created a lot of fuzz in Tollywood. In fact Mahesh Babu fans have trended "Get Lost Samantha and Siddarth' tag in twitter. Tollywood insiders reported that the 'regressive' poster incident between Samantha and Mahesh Babu did not go well with the actor and hence wanted Mani Ratnam to replace her. It's worth mentioning that Samantha was also the first choice for Mani Ratnam's Kadal but was unable to take up the movie due to her skin issues and Mani Ratnam wanted to offer the role in his upcoming film to Samantha once again. However Sam in a recent media interaction said it was just a baseless rumor "No, no one from Mani Ratnam sir's office approached me for his next film."
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