Porn star-turned Bollywood actress Sunny Leone is eagerly awaiting for today's result, as her latest flick 'Ragini MMS 2' is hitting theatres. As usual she provided lot of meaty glamour to her character, to make youths go weak at knees, and at the same time the film's content looks engaging. Promoting her latest flick, Sunny has given a tight slap to her critics say that if someone is worried about her past, then they always have a choice to not watch her flicks. "If you don't like me due to my past, you can always keep away from theatres where my film is being played and switch your TVs when my film is aired," she said, without any second thought. Talking about dream roles, Sunny felt that she would love to essay the character of on-screen Indira Gandhi, as he is one of the most powerful women in the world. "I love powerful women, and love to play Indira Gandhi on screen. As an actress, I always see such power in Priyanka Chopra, Katrina and Ekta Kapoor too," Sunny signed off. Will her dreams come true? In the first place, will 'they' allow a biopic on Indira?
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