Chaitanya Dantuluri's upcoming film Basanthi is gearing up for release next weekend. Gautham, son of Brahmanandam, and Alisha Baig have played the lead roles in this film, which is set in the backdrop of a college. Chaitanya Dantuluri has also written the script, dialogues and produced the film. Earlier, the makers were planning to release the film on February 27; however, now the director has confirmed that the date of release has been postponed by a day and Basanthi will hit the screens on February 28. In the past few days, the film has been promoted by nearly all the top actors and directors in Telugu film industry and they all wished for a great future ahead for Gautham. Although he had acted in couple of films in the past, Basanthi is almost like a relaunch for Gautham and Brahmanandam has gone all out to promote the film. Mani Sharma has scored the music and the audio has been received quite well. Vivek Kuchibhotla is the co-producer.
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